NO. 527/MPP/Kep/9/2004




In view of:


To revoke:

Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade No. 643/MPP/Kep/9/2002 on provisions on the import of sugar.

To stipulate:


Article 1

Referred to in this decree as:

Article 2

(1) The raw sugar as meant in Article 1 point 2 which can be imported shall have INCUMSA Number minimally 1200 IU and the refined sugar as meant in Article 1 point 3 which can be imported shall have ICUMSA Number maximally 45 IU.

(2) The raw sugar and refined sugar as meant in paragraph (1) only can be imported by companies already securing recognition as sugar producer importer, hereinafter called IP Sugar.

(3) The raw sugar and refined sugar imported by the IP Sugar as meant in paragraph (1) only can be used as raw material of production of industries owned the IP Sugar and cannot be traded and transferred.

(4) Refined sugar resulting from industries owned by IP Sugar, with raw material originating from imported raw sugar only can be traded or distributed to industries and cannot be traded on the domestic market.

Article 3

(1) Recognition of IP Sugar as meant in Article 2 shall be stipulated by the Director General.

(2) Companies planning to secure recognition as IP Sugar as meant in paragraph (1) shall submit written applications to the Director General by enclosing:

Article 4

(1) Based on the written application of the companies as meant in Article 3 paragraph (2), the Director General shall issue or reject recognition as IP Sugar not later than 15 (fifteen) working days as from the date of receipt of application.

(2) The model of document of recognition as IP Sugar shall be contained in Attachment I to this decree.

Article 5

The recognition as IP Sugar as meant in Article 2 shall be effective for one year at the maximum and can be extended.

Article 6

(1) Companies already securing recognition as IP Sugar shall convey written report to:

(2) The model of the written report of the companies already securing recognition as IP Sugar as meant in paragraph (1) shall be:

Article 7

(1) The plantation white sugar as meant in Article 1 point 4 which can be imported shall have ICUMSA Number from 100 IU and 300 IU.

(2) The plantation white sugar as meant in paragraph (1) only can be imported:

(3) The milling season of smallholder cane as meant in paragraph (2) letter a shall be stipulated by the Minister of Agriculture.

(4) The stipulation of the condition when the price of plantation white sugar at the farmer level exceeds Rp. 3,410 (three thousand four hundred and ten rupiahs) per kg and/or the condition when the production or stock of plantation white sugar is not sufficient to meet the need as meant in paragraph (2) letters b and c shall be based on result of coordinating meeting between institutions/agencies and associations concerned.

(5) The price of plantation white sugar at the farmer level amounting to Rp 3,410 (three thousand four hundred and ten rupiahs) per kg can be changed and stipulated different by the minister after considering result of coordinating meeting between institutions/agencies and associations concerned.

(6) The volume of sugar that needs to be imported to meet the domestic need shall be stipulated on the basis of result of coordinating meeting between institutions/agencies and associations concerned after considering the matters as contained in paragraphs (4) and (5).

Article 8

The import of plantation white sugar fulfilling the provisions as meant in Article 7 paragraphs (1) and (2) only can be realized by companies already securing the appointment as Registered Importers of Sugar, hereinafter called IT Sugar.

Article 9

(1) The appointment of IT Sugar as meant in Article 8 shall be stipulated by the Director General.

(2) Companies planning to secure the appointment as IT Sugar as meant in paragraph (1) shall be companies with at least 75% (seventy percent) of their cane resulting from:

(3) The evidence of acquisition of cane as meant in paragraph (2) shall be based on certificate of acquisition of cane from the association of local cane farmers.

(4) Companies already fulfilling the provisions as meant in paragraph (2) shall submit written application to the Director General by enclosing:

Article 10

(1) Based on the written application of companies as meant in Article 9 paragraph (4), the Director General shall issue approval or rejection of appointment as IT Sugar not later than 15 (fifteen) working days as from the date of receipt of the applications.

(2) The model of document of appointment as IT Sugar shall be contained in Attachment III to this decree.

Article 11

The appointment of IT Sugar as meant in Article 9 shall be effective for 3 (three) years at the maximum and can be extended.

Article 12

(1) The import of plantation white sugar by IT Sugar shall secure import approval first from the Director General.

(2) The import as meant in paragraph (1) shall contain, among others, the validity period of import approval, volume of sugar, kind of sugar and destination port.

Article 13

(1) Companies already securing the appointment as IT Sugar shall prop up sugar price if the price of plantation white sugar at the farmer level is below Rp. 3,410.00 (three thousand four hundred and ten rupiahs) per kg, in cooperation with other parties securing approval of association of local cane farmers.

(2) In addition to the IT Sugar as meant: in paragraph (1), the Minister or the appointed official can appoint other companies to import in the framework of prop ping up the price of plantation white sugar and national sugar stocks.

Article 14

(1) The import of raw sugar, refined and plantation white sugar by IP Sugar and IT Sugar shall be subjected to verification or technical surveillance first, covering:

(2) The verification or technical surveillance as meant in paragraph (1) shall be executed by surveyors appointed by the minister.

(3) Results of the verification or technical surveillance already executed by the surveyors as meant in paragraph (2) shall be issued in the form of surveyor report (LS) used as import document.

(4) Based on the verification or technical surveillance as meant in paragraph (1), surveyors can collect: compensation for their service from IP Sugar and IT Sugar or from grantors, in the case of the import being executed in the framework of provision of grant.

(5) In order to secure appointment as the executor of verification or technical surveillance into the import of sugar; surveyors shall meet the following requirements:

(6) Provisions on procedures for verification or technical surveillance shall be stipulated by the Director General.

Article 15

The compulsory verification or technical surveillance as meant in Article 14 shall not be applied to the import of sugar, which constitutes:

(1) goods for the need of technology research and development;

(2) sample;

(3) luggage of passenger or crew member of transport means or cross borderer;

(4) promotion goods;

(5) goods sent through courier service by using aircraft.

Article 16

The verification or technical surveillance of the import of sugar by surveyors as meant in Article 14 shall not reduce authority of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise to undertake customs inspection.

Article 17

(1) Companies already securing appointment as IT Sugar shall convey written report to the Director General in this case the Director of Import, Ministry of Industry and Trade every month on the realization of the import of plantation white sugar with a copy made available to the Director General of Domestic Trade, Director General of Chemical, Agro and Forest Product Industries, Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Director General of Plantation Production Development, Ministry of Agriculture not later than 15th of the ensuing month after the month when the import is realized.

(2) The model of the written report of companies already securing appointment as IT Sugar as meant in paragraph (1) shall be as contained in Attachment II to this decree.

Article 18

Companies already securing recognition as IP Sugar or appointment as IT Sugar and/or import approval shall be prohibited from transferring and using name of IP Sugar or IT Sugar and/or the import approval to other parties.

Article 19

(1) Recognition of IP Sugar or appointment of IT Sugar shall be frozen if the relevant:

(2) The freezing of recognition of IP Sugar and appointment of IT Sugar as meant in paragraph (1) as well as liquidation shall be done by the Director General.

Article 20

(1) Recognition of IP Sugar or appointment of IT Sugar shall be revoked if the relevant:

(2) The revocation of recognition of IP Sugar or appointment of IT Sugar as meant in paragraph (1) shall be done by the Director General.

Article 21

(1) Sugar imported illegally and by ways violating the provisions in this decree shall be stipulated as goods controlled and owned by the state as meant in Article 2 paragraph (2) of Presidential Decree No. 58/2004.

(2) The sugar stipulated as goods controlled and owned by the state as meant in paragraph (1) shall be auctioned in accordance with the provisions of the law in force and utilized to meet:

(3) The sugar utilized to meet the need of industries as meant in paragraph (2) point a only can be used for the need of industries and cannot be traded on the domestic market.

(4) The volume of the auctioned sugar as meant in paragraph (2) shall be calculated as part of the total volume of sugar that needs to be imported.

Article 22

(1) With the stipulation of this decree, all legal consequences arising from and al! licenses already issued on the basis of Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade No. 643/MPP/Kep/9/2002 on procedures for importing sugar shall be declared to remain effective until the legal consequences are completed and the validity period of the licenses expires.

(2) The provision on compulsory verification or technical surveillance as meant in Article 14 shall come into force three months as from the date of stipulation of this decree.

Article 23

The exception from the provisions in this decree only can be stipulated by the minister.

Article 24

Technical provisions and matters not yet regulated in this decree shall be stipulated by the Director General.

Article 25

The decree shall come into force as from the date of stipulation.

For public cognizance, the decree shall be published by placing it in State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
On September 17, 2004